If pop music from the 1960s deserves high marks for its sophistication then today's pop music gets a flunk. It lacks tempo variation. Too many repetitive sounds. Cords from the same key. Very little dynamic variation. The list goes on. What does this say about the minds that enjoy today's pop music? There is very little depth to them; certainly not enough to enter the mystical world of Zen Buddhism, and for that matter Buddhism in general.
It is only when we couple such shallowness with the religious endeavor to see ultimate reality that we have a problem. This opens up a path to the anti-epiphany, a kind of reverse transcendence; of mistaking illusion for enlightenment but more, it is the acceptance of the false self as the real self or the belief there is no self at all.
This thought goes even further when it falsely believes the mundane world is the Buddha-nature. In fact Dōgen Zenji held that "impermanence is in itself Buddha-nature”.
“Therefore, the very impermanency of grass and tree, thicket and forest is the Buddha nature. The very impermanency of men and things, body and mind, is the Buddha nature. Nature and lands, mountains and rivers, are impermanent because they are the Buddha nature. Supreme and complete enlightenment, because it is impermanent, is the Buddha nature.”
This is like seeing a mirage in the desert with a pool of water. Although there is no water there it still looks like there is water. But let's call it what it is, it's fake water. Likewise, the mundane world is a fake reality and just as much this Buddha-nature also is fake. It is not the authentic Buddha-nature.
Can our enjoyment of today's pop music be likened to being taken in by a musical mirage of sorts? In that regard it is fake music although we believe otherwise that it is very good music. And so it goes with today's Zen in which people believe that the mundane world is the true world. These same people will say, but I like it, and keep on following mirages.