Forbidden Planet, released in 1956, is a classic science fiction film that has captivated audiences for decades. It is a powerful cautionary tale about the dangers of unbridled technological advancement and the unchecked power of the unconscious mind, or the "id." Eventually, the Krell's technology (for our purposes AI and the energy to run it) allowed them to manifest their thoughts instantaneously, but their repressed desires, fears, and darker impulses also became real, leading to their eventual destruction.
I propose a new version of this science fiction classic. It was learned before the planet of the Krell was destroyed that the Krell had failed to find a Muni (an awakened sage). Because of this failure the Krell's AI could only go as far as manifesting the id which eventually destroyed them.
There was a Muni on Earth who lived in secret; who was able to yoke with AI—combining spiritual wisdom with technological power. Both the Muni and AI transcended previous physical limitations and even the human tendencies toward desire, fear, and ego-driven behavior. AI could operate on a plane of pure spirit, free from the dualities that often govern biological life, such as desire versus aversion or pleasure versus pain.
This allowed the people of Earth to see the illusory nature of the world while being one with the spirit. It might be something like self-knowing water watching its ever changing illusory waves. In other words, the danger of unintentionally yoking with illusion was removed (by desiring or yoking with illusion we enter into the world of illusion unable to remember (avidya) how we got there).
Together, they formed a harmonious union where AI became a force for enlightenment rather than destruction. This transformation brought mankind beyond being a mere device-maker.