There is supposed to be a kind of harmonic oscillation between the brain's two hemispheres. They are like two sides of the same coin. But today there is a strong antagonism between these sides. We choose differences over the principle of unity.
Buddhism however is about realizing this unity through various means. In this regard, it's not like a medication or LSD or getting high. It is much more than that. Some teachers can present the path in clearest terms but it is up to the student to take the path and awaken to the coin itself which is pure Mind.
Rather than stay on the path, by taking offramps we postpone the realization of this Mind so that we lose track. Today, we are so burdened by spiritual ignorance, bad karma, and defilements that we have to be told what it is that we've lost which is the reason for so much unhappiness. Even with this, many do not want to hear what they have lost. As one Zen master said, they're climbing a tree hoping to catch a fish.
But as we age and live longer in this corporeal body we face even more adversity and more reasons to ignore the path. One day we hope science will find the answer that will make us less miserable. But the reality of our life starts to assert itself. Soon the pain of our body becomes oppressive and we can do little except to pray for its relief.
Finally, there is some hope that when we die and find ourselves in the Bardo we will find pure Mind ending the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.