Our transformation into a dystopian world, controlled exclusively by the left hemisphere of the brain, is already taking place. But what is not realized is that this transformation is going against the right hemisphere of the brain which is better at leading the way.
The left hemisphere always has a limited view of reality. The right hemisphere leads the way because it knows that the map is not the territory. At the same time it has a special ability to intuit what the real territory is. Mystics like Siddhartha Gautama and Plotinus were driven by the right hemisphere to uncover the absolute: to know it firsthand.
Unbeknownst to the average person, by their worship of technology, they have inadvertently become open to manipulation. Their life education mainly concerns the left hemisphere of the brain. Little do they realize that authentic leadership only comes from the right hemisphere which sees the big picture and truly knows what terra firma is.
The average person only listens to false leaders who continually make excuses for their incompetence. In this case, deception comes from the left hemisphere of the brain which constitutes much of our education and modern knowledge. I hasten to add that brains can store wrong information.
Those oriented predominantly to the left hemisphere of the brain are the techies and the virtue signalers who think it is necessary to impose a meritocracy. They, naturally, will be the overseers. This is who is paving our modern road which, ultimately, leads to dystopia.
Some of us have become the Cassandras fated with the gift of prophecy but never to be believed. This is the way of every great downfall. And then we have to contend with many false prophets. From religious charlatans to political opportunists.
yes, dark clouds are growing by the day. But is it not darkest before the dawn? perhaps only at the precipice humanity will find the will to only at the precipice of distraction. Breaking the spell of the left brain is exactly what is needed now.
Posted by: Bob | December 27, 2021 at 08:52 PM