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November 04, 2018


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N. Yeti,


N. Yeti, funny.

Jung, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taṇhā

The real reason I'd say is because Japan wanted to modernize. Look at the state of Buddhism in Japan today. Mostly, it is used for funeral service. People don't really believe in it anymore. Rebirth is mostly ignored or thought of as metaphor.

Which is ironic, because the Buddha taught people how to get out of rebirth by giving up your desire to be reborn. That was the point of his teaching.

Try selling that message to the masses in today's day and age.

"The goal of Buddhism is to overcome desire, especially sexual desire."

No, it is not.

The third of five main precepts for monks concerning sexual desire and anything directly linked to it, was just one of many initial obstructions, interdependent on deeply invested habit energy that plagued the monks as well as laymen on a daily basis, hence Buddhas "lower", or less advanced discourses offered as such to make them abandon said obstacles in order to ease the auspicious opportunity of one day directly intuit the imageless face and nature of the unconditioned.

To quote Maurice Walsh, author on Buddhism and sex; "Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami"

"I undertake the course of training in refraining from wrong-doing in respect of sensuality.

Firstly, in common with all the other precepts, it is a rule of training. It is not a "commandment" from God, the Buddha, or anyone else saying: "Thou shalt not..." There are no such commandments in Buddhism. It is an undertaking by you to yourself, to do your best to observe a certain type of restraint while devoting yourself in trying to face the unconditioned directly, and not through a useless proxy (the skandhas), as most monks, or laymen, do.

The main goal of Buddhism, or Zen Buddhism to be precise, is to, A - discover the presence of the gateless gate of Zen, and B - pass through it and take directly part in the great mystery dangling right in front of ones face. This great mystery is also known as the unconditioned, the Unborn Mind, Nirvana, Svabhava, Dharmakaya, the true person of no rank, and so on...

If you truly desire to understand (Intuit is a better description) the teachings of Buddha Gautama, focus your time in this world to first discover and pass through this gateless gate, and then see if you can offer a more proper comment about what truly is the goal of Buddhism and the Buddha dharma offered by Buddha Gautama and all previous Buddhas before him.

Aryeh, the answer may be because nothing works better to extinguish sexual desire than getting married.

The goal of Buddhism is to overcome desire, especially sexual desire. So, I don't understand how modern Zen Buddhism allows monks to marry. It seems contradictory to me. It makes me wonder if modern practitioners understand the teachings of Siddhartha Buddha.

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