With his invention of science, man as made himself seem more godlike than he should be. The power of science has also given man tremendous destructive power. At the same time, as it should be obvious, science has not taken away what Freud calls the instinct of destruction (Destruktionstrieb); nor has science been a friend when it comes to what Freud calls the instinct of life (Lebenstrieb). The great Holocaust testifies to this. It cannot be swept under the carpet of Western civilization. If anything the Holocaust is proof positive that science is almost always used for evil because its user is uncivilized.
While we are led to praise the great accomplishments of science, which should not be confused with technology, in the example of the washing machine, it often seems more like a huge lie. While ostensibly science has helped to make what seems lie a utopia if we watch television, beneath the shining surface, a dystopia lurks, replete with all kinds of evils and monsters. Along with this dystopia, mankind seems to be on a mission to destroy himself if not nature first. Summing this all up beautifully for us, George E. Brown Jr. writes:
"Global leadership in science and technology has not translated into leadership in infant health, life expectancy, rates of literacy, equality of opportunity, productivity of workers, or efficiency of resource consumption. Neither has it overcome failing education systems, decaying cities, environmental degradation, unaffordable health care, and the largest national debt in history" (Gerald Holton, Einstein, History, and Other Passions: The Rebellion against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century, p. 6).
Keep in mind that this is only the tip of the iceberg. One thing I have found, science is becoming an enemy to man’s spirit and life itself. Thus far, it has done nothing to end what Buddhists call the three poisons, namely, delusion, hatred, and concupiscence. On a daily basis, humanity drinks these poisons seeming to enjoy the intoxication; never waking up to see the real damage they have done to themselves.
Beginning with the World's Columbia Exposition at Chicago in 1893, in which the fruits of science and technology were seen for the first time by the public, it wasn’t long after this that two great and terrifying wars followed. This prompted some great thinkers of the West to take a hard look at science. Judging from the current literature available which is taking science to task, it is having a chastening effect upon conventional science, enough that we should never again put our faith in science. Instead, we should be very skeptical of science. We also must begin t turn to intuition and transcendence, the pillars of the inward journey, that lead us to the other shore of absolute spirit.
For those who have crossed, who have set foot on this new land, it is easy for them to see that all beings, in their blindness, nevertheless, are striving to return to their true self which is eternal and undying. But because they have been blinded by science, their efforts continually lead them astray. In this blind journey of the blind leading the blind, science can offer no illumination—only more darkness.
For the credulous Buddhists of the West who are trying to pimp Buddhism off to the West as being friendly to science it is rather an embarrassing show if not injurious to Buddhism. Not only are these Buddhists ignorant of the history of science, including its deceptions and failed promises, but they are also insufficiently grounded in their own religion enough to know that it could not care less about Western science. Buddhists who choose to be suck ups to science should be shunned. No one can reach the other shore by following a Buddhist who disrespects intuition and transcendence.