Bassui Zenji (1327–1387) had a profound way of explaining the six supermnatural powers, all of which derive from our inherent nature or the same, our Buddha-nature. I have taken the answers to the questions from the book, Mud and Water: The Collected Teachings of Zen Master Bassui, which has been translated by Arthur Braverman. (Yep, it’s a good book to have in your Zen library.)
What is clairvoyance?
“This infinite light shines of its own accord and watches over all. It is nothingness; it is a wonder. It is silent: it illumines. Though forms can be seen, one is not deluded by them. This is clairvoyance.”
What is clairaudience?
“Buddha-nature is pure and unstained. When sounds are heard through the ears, the echo of vibrations is clearly discerned and yet there is no dependence on discriminating thoughts. This is called clairaudence.”
What is mind-reading?
“When you clearly understand the nature of your own mind, you will realize the oneness of the minds of the buddhas of the three worlds, the ancestors and ordinary people of this world, and heavenly beings of other worlds. This is the power of mind-reading.”
What is the power of knowing past lives?
“From the moment you realize your inherent nature, your mind will penetrate through aeons of emptiness that preceded creation through to the endless future. Clear and independent, it will not attach itself to the changing phenomena of life and death, past and future, but will remain constant without obstructing doubts. This is the power of knowing past lives.”
What is the power to fly through the air?
“When you understand the nature of your own mind, it will thoroughly light up the dark cave of ignorance and the original natural beauty will be manifest. In an instant you will pass through the ten directions without stopping in the blue sky. This is your inherent nature’s true power to fly through the air.”
What is the power to stop deluded thoughts?
“When you understand the r of your own mind, delusion will change into wisdom. Because bodhi is your original inherent nature, it transcends delusion and enlightenment. You won’t exist among saints and sinners and won’t be stained by the various phenomena. This is power to stop deluded thoughts.”
One more thing, having gnosis of our true nature which is pure Mind, which is called everything from true nature to Buddha-nature, settles all the mysteries of Buddhism. However, without this gnosis Buddhism shall forever remain an unsolved mystery.