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November 30, 2011


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Koji, Come on. "You cannot be serious," The "Cold Confusion" results of Pons and Fleischmann were not reproducable. Otherwise there would be power stations using the process by now. End of story!

By lifting the veil on so many mysteries of nature science has effectively destroyed much of the power once held over people by the Church, which has been reduced to routinely manufacturing hoky "miracles." Can Buddhism avoid the same fate? I saw some neuro-scientists on a Charlie Rose repeat last night who seem to be fencing in some previously free range regarding the functioning of the biological mind. But I think the mystery of the intrinsically self-aware universe is safe for now. http://www.nature.com/news/an-eye-opening-fossil-1.9586

Science deals more in probabilities than "facts" and is more concerned with how things work than it is with ultimate meaning

Bob Morris, the physical sciences can be their own worst enemy. This was evinced in the flap about "cold fusion" in which Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, both electrochemists, were unfairly attacked. A good book to read on the subject of science gone wrong is Science Was Wrong by Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden.

Science is an efficient process for reducing mysteries and superstitions:

Religious leaders in England used to teach that ammonites (Cretacaeous cephalopods) were fossils of coiled snakes which had somehow lost their heads. They were a little uncomfortable with this explanation and offered a reward for an example with head intact. Darwin applied the scientific method and cleared that up along with a lot of other fossil mysteries.

Previous religious leaders taught that the earth was the center about which all else revolved. Galileo and others proved otherwise. The Catholic Church eventually got the idea that fighting the scientists was going to be a losing proposition so they hired a few. Buddhism might do well to follow suit. (Actually, Buddhism gets along with science better than other "religions.")

Science has evolved into an essential component of human culture, almost as fundamental as language itself.

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