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June 21, 2010


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It is always a sad moment to see the slow veil of insanity descend upon a being of great promise. If anything it serves to remind us, that the sleep of reason brings forth monsters obfuscating the path of our own spiritual potentiality.

Download this book, home-boy, its the "cats balls"


get some good edu-macation

Oh, snap! Dahhhhhh-uhm, you meanz to say dat 80% of zen (soto) is based upon the rancid piss & lies of Dogen (ironically, in russian, dogen is short for "weak, feable, flimsy)

Ohhh snap my brotha, them thar soto peoples told me that everythang was buddha-nature (svabhava).

This reminds me of that lie i heardz about some (...) on a cross who came back from da' grave.

Zombie-ism !!! ........>>

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