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April 15, 2010


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Not to forget, although Nietzsche called Buddhism a hundred times more realistic than christianity (and probably more sympathic), he called Christianity and
Buddhism nihilistic and decadent. See "the antichrist", chapter 20

Was it not the case that Nagarjuna's purpose in demonstrating the limitations of all systems of thought was to encourage truth-seekers to seek the direct gnosis which you prescribe?

Hey, the monkey found a banana at last.

At least you are finally attacking the absolute relativism which is stinking cesspool called skepticism.

I often look at SKEPTICISM magazine for ideas and laughs just as I look at Tricycle magazine for the filthy piece of crap it is.

"and that it is impossible to think of philosopher worth the name maintaining Nihilism seriously."

While anachronistic, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche can be called Nihilists. The latter one wanted to overcome Nihlism in "will to power" (reevaluation of all values)

The former one made his nihilistic approach clear:

"Dieses Nichts sollten wir nicht fürchten und nicht zu verscheuchen suchen und es nicht umgehen, wie die Inder, durch Mythen und bedeutungsleere Worte, wie Resorption in das Brahm oder Nirwana der Buddhisten. Wir bekennen es vielmehr frei: was nach gänzlicher Aufhebung des Willens übrig bleibt, ist für alle die, welche noch des Willens voll sind, allerdings Nichts. Aber auch umgekehrt ist denen, in welchen der Wille sich gewendet und verneint hat, diese unsere so sehr reale Welt mit allen ihren Sonnen und Milchstraßen - Nichts"

-Arthur Schopenhauer

"This void(nothing) we should not be afraid of, not to get rid of and we should not circumvent it like the Indians, who circumvent it with myths and empty words like resorption into Brahman or the nirvana of the Buddhists.

We rather confess it freely: What remains for those who are still full of will after total annihilation of the will is nothing. But on the other hand, for those in which the will has been denied , our so real world with all the suns and milkyways is- nothing."

As a side note, Frauwallner calls Nagarjuna`s analysis of causality fallacious in "Die Philosophie des Buddhismus".

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