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October 27, 2009


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Thanks for the post, I respect what you're trying to do with this blog. Big Mind process was expected to provoke all sorts of reactions. Have you tried Big Mind yourself, i.e. experienced the various states/voices through that process? If not, have you at least talked to trustworthy people who have? Is there no room for novelty in authentic Zen, even if it's cloaked in therapeutic garb and distributed by facilitators? Even so stable, permanent realization remains a dream for those unwilling to pursue lifelong cultivation. Gassho!

I wonder if this is the same thing that has infiltrated the Insight Meditation Movement as well?

What I find scary here is that Genpo Roshi claims that "Big Mind is a process intended to allow anyone —including non-Buddhists—to experience the enlightenment of the Buddha". There are only two possibilities. Genpo is either a crook, or he is sincere. If he is sincere and believes that the Buddha experienced a psychological “awakening”, speaking with the voice of the Big Mind, I sincerely doubt the validity of Genpo’s dharma transmission. Was Maezumi Roshi so drunk that he could not evaluate the level of attainment of his students?


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