Loneliness is a form of alienation. It is the natural result of a long term attachment to the person of flesh constituted by the Five Aggregates. By this attachment everything spiritual is excluded except that to which we are deeply attached. Even more troubling, that to which we are deeply attached is transitory and pain begetting. As a result of this attachment we not only remain lonely, but we also live in fear. It seems that any day now, some catastrophe might befall us.
The spiritual side of our being lies buried deep within us, as it were, beneath our level of awareness and metation. We are only aware of the mind of appearance which is gross. This mind includes the senses. It also takes the form of our emotions. In fact, it is our entire body. This mind is attached to itself; moreover, it has no wish to acknowledge the pure Mind which is quite subtle. In many respects, it is contrary to the pure Mind.
It needs emphasizing, at this point, that pure Mind is universal. It is beyond both life and death. It, therefore, knows nothing of loneliness. It is independent and lord of itself. It is a friend of itself, too. All who at least acknowledges it will end their loneliness. All who don’t acknowledge it are plagued with loneliness from this life unto the next, without end.
If our practice is a true spiritual practice in which we bring forth the pure Mind as an actual fact, the result will be to lessen our loneliness. If our practice is worldly, in which we continually engage with the person of flesh, we will become even more alienated and lonely. In fine, there is no panacea for ending the feeling of loneliness except to transcend that which is not the pure Mind.